If you love to garden, or simply enjoy the beauty of gardens, and would delight in the company of like-minded individuals, then the Garden Club is for you! The Garden Club meets on second Monday of the month, March through December at 5:30 the multi-purpose room at the Green Mountain Chapel in West Brattleboro. Please enter through lower door in rear of parking lot.

Meetings conclude by 7:30 p.m.
Meetings generally consist of a short business meeting followed by a program on a specific gardening topic. In winter months, wreath-making and table decorations for the holidays are part of the programs.
The Annual Meeting is held in April, usually at the Chesterfield Inn, Chesterfield, NH, accompanied by an elegant dinner. The slate of officers is approved at this time each year.
The Member Garden Tours are usually held in June and/or July.
Community gardening and the encouragement of new gardeners are top priorities for the club.
The Garden Club is a member of the Federated Garden Clubs of Vermont.
Member dues are $30/year, usually payable in February.
A plant sale is held each year in May at the parking lot of the Green Mountain Chapel.
A Mum sale is held each year in September with special prices on spectacular mums.
If you are interested in joining the garden club, please contact :
Jill Stahl Tyler, Club President
You will be joining a club with a fifty-plus-year tradition of beautifying Brattleboro! Welcome!